Ornstein Boys' Blog

A small glimpse into our world with two amazing kids.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Possible Halloween Costumes for MNO

If MNO comes in early October, (Fingers crossed!) the little guy will need a Halloween costume. I've found these Star Wars ones and am thinking a Lil' Chewie will suit him nicely. I think the Princess Leia is too cute but we'll have to see if #2 is a girl

Monday, July 03, 2006

A few pictures of MNO at the level 2 ultrasound on 6/12/06 (21 weeks)


Welcome to the website of our future son, to be referred to as "MNO" and name to be revealed at a later date! We hope to post pictures of the little guy and keep our families and friends updated on current events in MNO's life.