Ornstein Boys' Blog

A small glimpse into our world with two amazing kids.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Miles' Best Friend

When you break it all down, Mickey is about 90% asswipe and 10% sweet and angelic. This dog is notorious for looking for and finding trouble. I guess I caught him on an angelic day because is there anything sweeter than seeing the two of them snuggled up and watching t.v.?

Justin Roberts' Groupies

Ok, granted it's Charlie and I who may be the groupies but this is Miles' 5th concert and he's enjoyed every one of them. This was our debut NYC concert since we've only seen him in LA, and usually outside. But the three of headed into town, scored a killer parking spot on the upper east side and watched the concert inside where Miles had a seat to himself!

We all enjoyed the concert and since we own all of his CDs, even Miles could sing along. The best part was talking to Justin and having Miles' picture taken with him.
