Back to CA
It was so good to get "home". Yes, we only lived there for 7 years but California feels like home. We have so many good friends there and we really miss the weather. Miles enjoyed seeing his friends and "family" and asks about them daily.
Miles enjoyed a playdate with some LA Times friends and offspring at Kidspace Museum in Pasadena.
Warm greetings were exchanged with Isaac and Cada who were equally excited to see their long lost pal!
Zachary's mommy and Shari are online friends and we were pregnant together. We finally got to meet up during our one night stint in San Diego.
Charles and Miles are happy to see each other too! Charles has been a huge fan of Miles and has known him since we was born. Charles was Shari's long-term sub during a 6 month maternity leave.
Third Street friends and family...