Ornstein Boys' Blog

A small glimpse into our world with two amazing kids.

Monday, February 15, 2010

6 Months Already...

Time is really flying by with Jude. He rolls over, eats cereal, he's sitting up for brief periods of time, completely unassisted. We're burying our heads in the sand and in complete denial that he will be crawling anyday now. Time to get some gates!!

Meanwhile, look at our cutie pie. When you go to Jc Penny's for pictures, you get what you pay for! They hold us over until we can have access to the talented Uncle David. Today, the photographer at JcP was so proud of her work, she asked us to sign release forms so that they are able to use the pictures as they wish. She said it could be in an in-store photo album or used nationally. Or not at all. Either way, we were happy with some of her shots.